Source code for squanch.simulate

import threading
import time

import tqdm

__all__ = ["Simulation"]

def is_notebook():
        shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
        if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
            return True  # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
        elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell':
            return False  # Terminal running IPython
            return False  # Other type (?)
    except NameError:
        return False  # Probably standard Python interpreter

[docs]class Simulation: ''' Simulation class for easily creating and running agent-based simulations. Includes progress monitors for terminal and Jupyter notebooks. ''' # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): ''' Initialize the simulation :param args: unpacked list of agents, e.g. Simulation(alice, bob, charlie). All agents must share the same output dictionary using Agent.shared_output() ''' self.out = args[0].out self.agents = args self.is_notebook = is_notebook()
[docs] def progress_monitor(self, poison_pill): ''' Display a tqdm-style progress bar in a Jupyter notebook :param threading.Event poison_pill: a flag to kill the progressMonitor thread ''' pbars = {} progress = {} progress_max = {} for agent in self.agents: if self.is_notebook: pbars[] = tqdm.tqdm_notebook(total = len(agent.qstream), desc = else: pbars[] = tqdm.tqdm(total = len(agent.qstream), desc = progress[] = 0 progress_max[] = len(agent.qstream) # Loop and update progress while not poison_pill.isSet(): for agent in self.agents: dProg = self.out[ + ":progress"] - progress[] progress[] += dProg pbars[].update(dProg) time.sleep(0.05) for agent in self.agents: pbars[].n = pbars[].total pbars[].close()
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
[docs] def run(self, monitor_progress = True): ''' Run the simulation :param monitor_progress: whether to display a progress bar for each agent ''' for agent in self.agents: agent.start() if monitor_progress: poison_pill = threading.Event() progress_monitor = threading.Thread(target = self.progress_monitor, args = (poison_pill,)) progress_monitor.start() for agent in self.agents: agent.join() if monitor_progress: poison_pill.set() progress_monitor.join()