Occam rake tasks

rake occam:validate

Does a quick validation of your work environment. It will check things such as

  • Whether virtualbox is available (needed for development environment)
  • Whether vagrant is available (demo environment)
  • The current ruby version
  • Firewall settings
  • Nat and ip forwarding settings

The validate tasks output might look something like

$ rake occam:validate
    Virtualbox 4.3.16r95972... OK
    Vagrant 1.6.5... OK
    Ruby version 2.1.2.... OK
    Detected OS X Firewall: Disabled... OK
    Pfctl plist.... OK
    IP Forwarding Enabled.... OK

rake demo:init[zone]

The demo task initializes and runs the demo environment. You can run the rake occam:validate task to check environment sanity. Once complete, the user will have a working ops node and the appropriate virtualbox networks and forwarding rules for testing your occam apps.

By default, the zone is set to ‘zone1’ which corresponds to the preconfigured demo environment.

rake apps:init[app]

Takes one parameter: app.

Initializes app in puppet/app/cloud/appname dir using r10k with data provided in puppet/app/cloud/appname/Puppetfile

rake apps:init

Initializes all apps.

rake apps:clean

Removes all managed applications from the apps directory.

rake config:generate[zonename]

Takes one parameter: zonename.

Generates Occam config and writes it to puppet/hiera/zones/zonename.yaml file (or puppet/hiera/zones/example_file.yaml if argument is not provided).

This will ask you series of questions regarding your ENV and will match your answers against regexes in lib/files/generator.yaml.

You should edit the file afterwards f.e. to change root password.

rake doc:build

This tasks converts rst docs to html.


It is dependent on you having rst2html available in your local environment. To install on a Mac please use the following command:

% easy_install docutils && easy_install pygments

rake occam:deploy_initial[server,port]

Takes two parameters: server and port.

This task requires you to have installed vanilla Ubuntu Server. It will:

  • Initialize necessary modules
  • Prepare archive
  • Send it using scp to server
  • Decompress archive
  • Run bootstrap.sh script (which can be found in utils/bootstrap.sh).


It should be the first step performed when deploying Occam. It also should be used ONLY ONCE.

rake occam:init

This tasks performs initalization of Occam modules.

It uses puppet/occam/Puppetfile as a source of necessary modules.

rake occam:prepare_archive[key]

Takes one parameter: key.

This task will create Occam archive that will be use used by deploy_initial and update_code tasks.

Usually it won’t be called directly.

rake occam:update_code[server,port]

Takes two parameters: server and port.

This task will:

  • Create archive using current state of Occam repository
  • Send it using scp to server
  • Decompress archive in /var/puppet/archive
  • Create necessary symlinks
  • Reload puppet to serve new code to the clients.


This task should be used to upload code AFTER occam:deply_initial has been performed.

rake spec

This task will perform spec tests on:

  • manifests with:
    • Puppet Face validator (for syntax)
    • puppet-lint (for lint failures;))
  • erbs with erb -P -x -T erbfile | ruby -c
  • yamls with: ruby yaml parser
  • librarian files (Puppetfile) with r10k puppetfile check

rake tempest:download_junit_from_host[server,port]

Takes two parameters: server and port.

This task will download /var/lib/tempest/results.xml from server to local dir.

This is currently used only by bamboo as a workaround.

rake tempest:make_sure_that_cloud_is_complete[server,port]

Takes two parameters: server and port.

This task runs wait_for_cloud_complete.rb script on server.

This is used to ensure that necessary number of puppet runs have been performed in order to start tempest.

rake tempest:run_tests_on_ops_node[server,port]

Takes two parameters: server and port.

This task is used to start tempest run on server.


There are few more rake tasks in repo which will be shown when an app is available.

They should conform appname:init naming scheme.