Source code for netQuil.agents

import inspect
import sys
import threading
import time

__all__ = ["Agent"]

[docs]class Agent(threading.Thread):
[docs] def __init__(self, program=None, qubits=[], cmem=[], name=None): ''' Agents are codified versions of Alice and Bob (i.e. single nodes in a quantum network) that can send and receive classical and quantum information over connections. Agents have the following properties: * Their run-time logic is in the form of an method * Their connections to other agents are by default ingress and egress * Agents' manage their own target and source devices for noise and local time tracking * Agents have a network monitor to record the traffic they see :param PyQuil<Program> program: program :param List<int> qubits: list of qubits owned by agent :param List<int> cmem: list of cbits owned by agent :param String name: name of agent, defaults to name of class ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) # Name of the agent, e.g. "Alice". Defaults to the name of the class. if name is not None: = name else: = self.__class__.__name__ self.time = 0.0 self.pulse_length = 10 * 10 ** -12 # 10 ps default photon pulse length self.qconnections = {} self.cconnections = {} # Define qubits, corresponding classical memory and program self.qubits = qubits self.cmem = cmem self.program = program # Define Agent Devices self.target_devices = [] self.source_devices = [] self.master_clock = None self.network_monitor_running = False self.using_distributed_gate = False
[docs] def get_master_time(self): ''' :return: master time ''' return self.master_clock.get_time()
def _start_tracer(self): threading.settrace(self._tracer) def _get_device_results(self): ''' Get results for source and target devices ''' devices = self.source_devices + self.target_devices for device in devices: if device.verbose: device.get_results() def update_network_monitor(self, qubits, bar): for _ in qubits: time.sleep(0.05) bar.update() def _tracer(self, frame, event, arg): ''' Prevents agent from modifying qubits that it does not own and manage by examining the frame and intercepting all pyquil.gates calls ''' if event == "call": if self.using_distributed_gate: return self._tracer if frame.f_globals['__name__'] == 'pyquil.gates': # Returns dictionary of parameter names and their values argsToGate = inspect.getargvalues(frame) # Extract parameter values argValues = list(argsToGate.locals.values()) # Extract parameter values that are integers (ignore iterator arguments) qubits = [q for q in argValues if type(q) == int] # Check that qubits are a subset of the Agent's qubits if not all(q in self.qubits for q in qubits): raise Exception('Agent cannot modify qubits they do not own (including qubits that have been lost)') return self._tracer
[docs] def set_program(self, program): ''' Set agent's program :param PyQuil<Program> program: agent's program ''' self.program = program
[docs] def add_target_devices(self, new_target_devices): ''' Add target devices. Every qubit sent to agent will pass through these devices, and, if set, the device's effect and time-delay will be applied :param List<Device> new_target_devices: list of target devices ''' self.target_devices.extend(new_target_devices)
[docs] def add_source_devices(self, new_source_devices): ''' Add source devices. Every qubit sent by Agent will pass through these devices, and, if set, the device's effect and time-delay will be applied :param List<Device> new_source_devices: list of source devices ''' self.source_devices.extend(new_source_devices)
@property def cmem(self): return self.__cmem @cmem.setter def cmem(self, cmem): ''' Set classical memory as list of 0s and 1s :param List<int> cmem: classical memory ''' if len(cmem) >= 0 and all(bit == 0 or bit == 1 for bit in cmem): self.__cmem = cmem else: raise Exception('Classical bits must be in list and either 0 or 1')
[docs] def add_cmem(self, cbits): ''' Add more classical memory in the form of a list of 0s and 1s :param List<int> cbits: classical memory to extend ''' self.__cmem.extend(cbits)
[docs] def add_device(self, device_type, device): ''' Add a device to an agent. :param String device_type: may be either `source` or `target` :param Device device: instance of device added ''' if device_type == 'source': self.source_devices.append(device) elif device_type == 'target': self.target_devices.append(device) else: raise Exception('Invalid device type (e.g. \'source\' or \'target\'')
[docs] def __hash__(self): ''' Agents are hashed by their (unique) names ''' return hash(
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): ''' Agents are compared for equality by their names. ''' return ==
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): ''' Agents are compared for inequality by their names ''' return not (self == other)
[docs] def qsend(self, target, qubits): ''' Send qubits from agent to target. Connection will place qubits on queue for target to retrieve. :param String target: name of destination for qubits :param List<int> qubits: list of qubits to send to destination ''' # Raise exception if agent sends qubits they do no have if not set(qubits).issubset(set(self.qubits)): raise Exception('Agent cannot send qubits they do not have') connection = self.qconnections[target] source_delay = connection.put(, target, qubits, self.time) # Removing qubits being sent self.qubits = list(set(self.qubits) - set(qubits)) # Update Agent's Time self.time += source_delay # Update Master Clock self.master_clock.record_qtransaction(self.time, 'sent',, target, qubits) # Update network monitor if self.network_monitor_running: self.update_network_monitor(qubits, self.pbar_sent)
[docs] def qrecv(self, source): ''' Agent receives qubits from source. Adds qubits to agent's list of qubits and add time delay. Return list of qubits :param String source: name of agent who sent qubits. :return: list of qubits sent from source ''' connection = self.qconnections[source] qubits, delay, source_time = connection.get(self) self.time = max(source_time + delay, self.time) # Update Master Clock self.master_clock.record_qtransaction(self.time, 'received', source,, qubits) # Update network monitor if self.network_monitor_running: self.update_network_monitor(qubits, self.pbar_recv) return qubits
[docs] def csend(self, target, cbits): ''' Sends classical bits from agent to target. :param String target: name of target agent :param List<int> cbits: indices of cbits source is sending to target ''' connection = self.cconnections[target] source_delay = connection.put(target, cbits) scaled_source_delay = source_delay*len(cbits) self.time += scaled_source_delay #Update Master Clock self.master_clock.record_ctransaction(self.time, 'sent',, target, cbits)
[docs] def crecv(self, source): ''' Get cbits from source. :param String source: name of Agent where cbits originated from. :return: list of cbits sent from source ''' connection = self.cconnections[source] cbits, delay = connection.get( self.time += delay #Update Master Clock self.master_clock.record_ctransaction(self.time, 'received', source,, cbits) return cbits
[docs] def run(self): '''Run-time logic for the Agent; this method should be overridden in child classes.''' pass